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Bridle Manor Co-operative Inc
since 1981
Curious about membership application information?
Click here to download a copy of the application form.
To qualify for housing in the co-op, you must be financially responsible and have a good housing record.
Application for membership will be based on the following criteria:
- commitment to co-op principles and a willingness to participate in the co-op's decision-making and meetings
- evidence of financial responsibility
- indication of permanency or long-term residency in the co-operative
- potential to be a good resident who will maintain co-op property in good condition
- potential to be a good neighbour who will live co-operatively with and respect the rights of others
- positive attitude to living in a diverse community
- household income and size meet the requirements of the co-op (members must be able to afford the housing charge - rent - or prove that housing charge assistance is available to them. The size of the household must be within the occupancy guidelines.
- ability to live independently
While participation is compulsory, as far as possible the actual areas of assistance will be voluntary, based on members' preferences and abilities. Applicants are urged, when applying for membership, to indicate their areas of interest and expertise.
The apartment building is wheelchair accessible.
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